Offering aid to the community through education takes ensuring that your expertise is answering a question being asked. This outline offers a clean checklist that will help you ensure you are holding every part of your strategy accountable and providing the most benefits to both managing and receiving parties.


90 Days Out

  • Event Logistics Checklist filled out & submitted with date (to make sure others events don't conflict). If you have questions you can't answer yet, but want to secure a date, you have until 75 Days Out to complete/submit Logistics Check List to OWC.

  • Book sit-down with Owner to review event / programming. Ensure you've done research to outline need & potential participation.

75 Days Out

  • Final Logistics Check List due.

  • Have all Marketing Prepped; Marketing materials/details sent to OWC to integrate into Collective Marketing (RSVP & Central Informational Page required)

60 Days Out

  • Walk through in-space logistics plan.

  • OWC Launches Marketing on Collective Media + Your Own Marketing must launch by this time frame (OWC Gives 2 Feed Posts, 2 Newsletter Shout Outs, a blog, and 4 Stories per event, as long as all Marketing is submitted 75 Days in Advance)

45 Days Out

  • 50% of space fee due, non-refundable. Note, if you decide to cancel the event at this date, a refund for marketing + time spent with logistics is due: $200.

  • Marketing Check-In

21 Days Out

  • Remaining 50% Fee for event due / Final Cancel Date Option. If event cancelled by this date, second half of fee is not due but the first half of the fee is non-refundable.

  • Update OWC with RSVP Count

  • Format & Marketing Updates

  • Final Logistics Confirmation with OWC: Signage, Doors, Space Flow, Furniture Design, Collaborators, Etc.

Ready to book an event?